Tsumo Dzinetsanangudzo

July 23, 2022

Tenda muchero wadya zvinotenza mwoyo

Tenda muchero wadya zvinotenza mwoyo ENGLISH EXPLANATION We should only believe in someone’s plans when they have materialized. The proverbs counsel against childish credulity ‘Do not count your chickens before they are hatched
July 23, 2022

Ateyera mariva murutsva haachatyi mhapa kusviba

Ateyera mariva murutsva haachatyi mhapa kusviba ENGLISH EXPLANATION Once you have given yourself to an arduous task, you must not be deterred by any inconvenience. The proverbs praise courage and perseverance shown by a person engaged in some difficult work. They may also be used as a plain statement of fact in everyday circumstances. For instance, a mechanic must necessarily put up with grease and dirt. Also generally, a man must take the consequences of his actions.
July 23, 2022

N’ai kwadzo ndedzomucheche dzomukuru dzinoreva kudya

N’ai kwadzo ndedzomucheche dzomukuru dzinoreva kudya ENGLISH EXPLANATION A child will always ask something in a direct way, but an adult often hints or makes an indirect approach to what he wants. A person in debt will go to a neighbour and relate at length his problems in self-pity. This implies that he wants to borrow to square his debt (chikwerete).
July 23, 2022

Mupanje wekunze unodzivirira iri mukati.

Mupanje wekunze unodzivirira iri mukati. ENGLISH EXPLANATION Don’t reveal family quarrels or secrets to outsiders. Otherwise people might take advantage of it to the detriment of your family. The proverb can also refer to a guardian, chief or parent whose duty it is to protect his people against intruders.