1. Aive madziva ava mazambuko | What used to be hard is now simple. People that used to be great are now simple |
2. Akuruma nzeve ndewako | Those that advise you are on your side |
3. Ane benzi ndeane rake, kudzana unopururudza
| When you know the bad traits of someone you will not be offended when they do bad things |
4. Ateya mariva murutsva haatyi kusviba magaro | A person will do whatever needs to be done to accomplish his goals |
5. Chakafukidza dzimba matenga | There are private issues that take place inside the house |
6. Chaitemura chava kuseva. | The once great are now empoverished |
7. Chikuriri chine chimwe | What is great now will be smaller than another |
8. Chinobhururka chinomhara | Everything comes to an end |
9. Chirere chigokurerawo | Take care of the young ones that they may take care of you in your old age |
10. Chisi hachiyeri musi wacharimwa | The consequences of bad behaviour are not immediate, but they will come |
11. Chisingaperi chinoshura | All things come to an end |
12. Chitsva chiri murutsoka | You can get new experiences by moving to different locations |
13. Chiri mumusakasaka chinozvinzwira | People take advice that pertains to their individual needs in group settings |
14. Chara chimwe hachitswanyi inda | One person cannot do all things alone |
15. Charova sei chando chakwidza hamba mumuti | Extreme situations can cause people to behave in unusual or unexpected ways |
16. Charovedzera charovedzera, gudo rakakwira mawere kwasviba. | When you get used to doing things you can even do them under difficult circumstances with ease. |
17. Chembere mukadzi hazvienzani nekurara mugota. | Poor quality is better than nothing |
18. Chidamoyo hamba yakada makwati. | People have the freedom to choose what they want |
19. Chinono chinengwe, bere rakadya richifamba. | Do what you do with speed |
20. Chinoziva ivhu kuti mwana wembeva anorwara. | It’s the people close to someone that know his/her affairs |
21. Chiri mumoyo chiri muninga. | What’s in the heart is hidden |
22. Chiri pamuchena chiri pamutenure. | The poor man’s victories do not last |
23. Chitaurirwa hunyimwa mbare dzekumusana. | You never get the full information and appreciation from being told |
24. Chenga ose manhanga hapana risina mhodzi. | There’s a reward in trying all things |
25. Gudo guru peta muswe kuti vaduku vakutye. | The older people should be dignified for them to be respected by the younger ones |
26. Guyu kutsvuka kutsvuka zvaro asi mukati rine masvosve. | Some things look attractive from afar or from outside but they are not so good inside |
27. Igaroziva kuti mhanza yembudzi iri mumabvi. | Things are not what they seem |
28. Imbwa nyoro ndidzo tsengi dzamatovo. | The innocent looking people are often the guilty |
29. Kakara kununa hudya kamwe. | Success comes by the help of others |
30. Kamoto kamberevere kakapisa matanda mberi. | Small issues can become large enough to cause big problems |
31. Kandiro kanoenda kunobva kamwe. | Favours go to those that have given them before |
32. Kuipa kuipa zvaro bveni, asi haridyi chakafa choga. | |
33. Kukurukura hunge wapotswa. | You can only tell the tale when you have survived it |
34. Kure kwegava ndiko kusina mutsubvu. | People will do anything to get what they desire |
35. Kure kwemeso nzeve dzinonzwa | You don’t have to be at a place to know what happened |
36. Kuudza mwana hupedzisira. | |
37. Kuziva ambuya huudzwa. | All you know you were taught |
38. Kuwanda kwakanaka, kwakaipira kupedza muto. | It’s good to have numbers but they also demand more resources |
39. Kuwanda huuya. | The more (people) the merrier |
40. Kuzeza chati kwati hunge uine katurike. | When you over react to things you probably have something to hide) |
41. Mandikurumidze akazvara mandinonoke. | If you rush through things you may end up doing them wrong and thus take even longer than if you had taken your time |
42. Manga chena yakaparira parere nhema. | The good can make the bad visible |
43. Matakadya kare haanyaradzi mwana. | You can’t always be satisfied by yesterday’s feats |
44. Mbeva zhinji hadzina mashe. | Where there are many people no one takes responsibility and therefore many things can remain undone |
45. Mbudzi kuzvarira pavanhu kuda kutandirwa imbwa. | People do embarrassing things in front of others in order to find help |
46. Mazvokuda mavanga enyora. | Self-inflicted anguish |
47. Mhembwe rudzi inozvara mwana ane kazhumu. | People produce children with traits similar to them. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree |
48. Mudzimu wakupa chironda wati nhunzi dzikudye. | For everything that happens, there is a reason |
49. Murombo haarovi chinenguwo. | The poor man hardly makes huge success |
50. Muroyi royera kure vekwako vagokureverera. | You shouldn’t be mean to people close to you |
51. Mwana wamambo muranda kumwe. | Authority/royalty only works within its territory |
52. Mwana kuberekwa vaviri, mugota hamuchemi kacheche. | Some things cannot be done by one person alone, like conceiving a child |
53. Mviromviro yemhanza mapfeka. | Big events are predicted by early signs |
54. Mombe yekurunzirwa ndeyekukama wakaringe nzira. | You can never use borrowed things with the freedom you would have if it was yours. |
55. Makadzi munaku kusaba anoroya. | |
56. Mukuru mukuru hanga haigari pfunde. | |
57. Mwana asingachemi anofira mumbereko. | If you do not cry out for help no one will know and you may die in your distress |
58. Takabva neko kumhunga hakuna ipwa. | |
59. Nzenza mumvuri, asvika anovanda zuva. | |
60. Nzombe huru yakabva mukurerwa. | Great people are raised up by other people |
61. Nzou hairemerwi nenyanga dzayo. | A person has the strength to carry his desires/issues (as in pregnancy or dreams) |
62. Pfavira ngoma, husiku hurefu. | Be calm and take your time to do things |
63. Rinamanyanga hariputirwi mushushunje. | Nothing can be hidden forever |
64. Ramba kuudzwa akaonekwa nembonje pahuma. | People who forsake warnings and advice often fall into calamity. |
65. Rega zvipore akabva mukutsva. | A burnt child dreads fire |
66. Regai dzive shiri, mazai haana muto. | Wait for the full maturation of events instead of prematurely harvesting or celebrating. |
67. Rudo ibofu. | Love is blind |
68. Rume rimwe harikombi churu. | One person cannot do all things alone. |
69. Seka urema wafa. | Do not make fun of other people’s misfortunes because they may come upon you too |
70. Simbi inorohwa ichapisa. | Hit the iron while it’s still hot. |
71. Varume kutsva kwendebvu vanodzimurana. | Men help each other in times of trouble. |
72. Vasikana kudada kudada zvenyu, tichaonana magaro pakuyambuka. | You may reject people when all things are well but you will need them when things get hard. |
73. Wakurumidza kumedza, kutsenga uchada. | You have gone to things ahead before completing the things behind |
74. Yadeuka yadeuka mvura yemuguchu haidyorerwi. | When things have happened they cannot be undone. |
75. Yatsika dope yanwa. | One who was present participated. |
76. Zano ndega akasiya jira mumasese. | People who forsake warnings and advice often fall into calamity. |
77. Zizi harina nyanga. | Things are not what they seem. |
78. Zviuya hazviwanani. | Perfect people hardly find each other in marriage. |
79. Zviro zviyedzwa chembere yekwaChivi yakabika mabwe ikanwa muto. | You never know what is rewarding unless you try. |
80. Zingizi gonyera pamwe maruva enyika haaperi. | Settle down with one woman, there are many beautiful women in the world. |
81. Zvikoni zvikoni mimba haibvi negosoro. | Some things cannot be dealt with by simplistic solutions. |
1 Comment
Chaitemura chava kuseva. Your explanation should be the other way round. Once impoverished are now great. What started is the poverty (kutemura) followed by success (kuseva)