Chafamba kamwe hachiteyiwi
English Explanation
What happened only once cannot be relied upon. A first offender will normally find a lenient judge. Such a judge might well quote this proverb dismissing the case.
Mabasa kuchonya uri murima
English Explanation
It is futile to do something for or against someone when you know that he will never realise it or that it will never affect him.
Kutumira bete kumukaka haridzoki
English Explanation
Telling a person to meet somebody he loves, or to do something which he greatly enjoys will make him forget his other duties. For example, a father sending his son on an errand to a store where the son’s girl-friend is working should foresee that the boy will not return in time.
Chivendekete anoseka chimedure
English Explanation
Very often people are not willing to admit their faults, but they loudly criticise their fellowmen’s blunders. ‘The pot calls the kettle black’. This proverb can be quoted to teach people the wisdom of self-criticism and an understanding attitude towards the faults of others.