Tagged: Tsumo dzinetsanangudzo


Ishavi kurova munda neshamhu

Ishavi kurova munda neshamhu

English Explanation

It shows that a person is foolish, when he expects to get something without working hard for it. For instance, if a farmer expects a bumper crop but never takes trouble to work his fields, then he is indeed a fool.


Kushaya mano kwendiro kupakurirwa isingadyi

Kushaya mano kwendiro kupakurirwa isingadyi

English Explanation 

It shows a person’s lack of intelligence, if he fails to make use of opportunities coming his way. For example, a student who is offered a bursary but does not bother about the necessary application formalities.


Wazarira bako mvura ichada kunaya

Wazarira bako mvura ichada kunaya.

English Explanation 

It is unwise to show ingratitude to a benefactor when you still need his help. For example, a poor man who has been helped with food and shelter should not quarrel with his benefactor before the famine is over.


Zino irema rinosekerera anorivenga

Zino irema rinosekerera anorivenga


A man may warmly welcome a visitor ignorant of his evil in­tentions and feelings. If the host knew the visitor’s sinister plans he would not smile at him. 

Nhava yebenzi haitani kusakara 0

Nhava yebenzi haitani kusakara

Nhava yebenzi haitani kusakara


A foolish man is not able to look after his belongings properly This proverb can be quoted against carelessness in storing or handling of one’s property

Chinono chine ingwe bere rinodya richifamba 0

Chinono chine ingwe bere rinodya richifamba

Chinono chine ingwe bere rinodya richifamba


When something has to be done it should be done without delay. ‘He who hesitates  is lost’. This proverb may be applied to a hesitant suitor. If he wants to court a girl he must not waste time, or else some other fellow will get in first.

Kubaya tange hama vatorwa vakutye 0

Kubaya tange hama vatorwa vakutye

Kubaya tange hama vatorwa vakutye.


When in authority, it is wise to discipline your close relatives before you discipline others. Unless people are assured of your impartiality, even towards your own relatives, they will not respect you.
